Saturday, August 13, 2005


A Coyote Posted by Picasa

Mike and I went off alone to go on a hike. We decided to stop and take this little road (which as you can see from the sign is closed). We were sitting there trying to determine why the road was closed (it turned out it was because of the rain) when two coyotes trotted right up next to our car. They proceeded to stop and pee on the same tree and then trotted off. Also on our drive to a hiking place we saw something moving in the hills. We stopped and followed it at a great distance (more than 100 yards). In the binoculars, I could see that it was black and wolf shaped. Sure enough... it was a wolf! The wolves are really hard to see at this time of year so it was very exciting. Sadly, no picture of it. He ran off into a drain pipe and I sure as hell wasn't going to corner him in there.


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